Guest Writer

Friday, May 13, 2011 1:34 PM

Hi! I'm a guest writer on Kori's blog! You can check out my music blog at!
I am going to tell you a story! A story about the time I fractured my skull.
It was seven years ago, during recess. I was playing tag with my best friend, Joseph. We were bored that day so we decided to come up with a new game. Now, I won't lie to you nice people, I'm a bit of a nerd. You know, Xbox, MMORPG's, and things of that nature. So was Joseph. We decided to play "Video Game Tag" (Remember, this was seven years ago. I was eight.) It's a game where you would choose a character from your favorite game, and play tag with their "Special Abilities" (For example, Samus could tag people from far away due to her arm cannon.) So we were playing our little game, Joseph was "It" and I was running as fast as I could to try and escape his fireballs (He was Mario). I looked back to see if he was behind me. Nowhere in sight. When I turned around however, I found that i was about two inches from a metal bar. Remember, I was running at full speed. SMACK. My forehead connected with the bar and i flew backwards. I blacked out. When I woke up, I found that i was in the nurses office. She told me I could go home and rest, and that's exactly what I did! Apparently it didn't do TOO much damage, because it healed within a few weeks.
So that's my story! Come check out my blog sometime, Kori just wrote on it!

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