Yes, Monkeys Frequent My Dreams.

Friday, April 22, 2011 1:08 PM

Last night, I had a dream where I was at a circus, sitting front in center. The whole concept of me being at a circus is ridiculous, because I dislike the entire concept. Clowns freak me out (because they remind me of dolls), and I always feel bad for the animals. But, in my dream, I was ecstatic, and I had even purchased cotton candy in a fancy circus bucket. I was laughing at the monkeys dancing around on stage, banging their cymbals together, when one of the monkeys has a moment of independence. He breaks free from the group of circus monkeys, and runs into the audience. His cymbals have been abandoned, and he is running for me, a wide grin on his face. He lands in my lap, and claps.
The guy who is dumb enough to lock himself in a giant cage with eight lions decides that he wants his monkey back. 
"The monkeys aren't supposed to leave the stage," He holds his hand out, expecting me to hand him the monkey that looks more than comfortable on my lap.
"Sorry, you should have trained him better," And with that, I left the circus with my new monkey friend, who I named Alphonzo.

I wish I was that cool in real life.


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